
Comprehensive installation, removal and replacement in cars

The dashboard of a car plays a key role in any vehicle. However, this applies to the entire interior in terms of both aesthetics and functionality. Today, unfortunately, repair is not always possible. Then there is a comprehensive installation, removal or replacement. This applies to the installation of dash consoles, removal of airbag or replacement of airbags. The issue of repair from the perspective of car board consoles is an extensive topic.

Therefore, in our offer you will find a wide range of possibilities, including both the installation of seat belts, removal of car seats, and installation of the headliner or replacement of the headliner. Our services support not only aesthetic issues, but also those that are important for travel comfort and safety. Here are some of the key aspects involved. Replacing dashboard consoles and removing dashboards after an accident is critical. So is the replacement of seat belts or the removal of car seats that are damaged.


Pozostałe usługi

Naprawa desek rozdzielczych
Naprawa poduszek powietrznych
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Naprawa foteli samochodowych
Naprawa podsufitki
Kompleksowy montaż, demontaż i wymiana
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